Filtered Small Cigars

Little Cigars

The tastes of Dutch Cafe Creme little cigars

Thanks to Dutch merchants who could not buy too expensive cigars and found a different way out, the world recognized the taste of Cafe Creme little cigars. This Cafe Creme little cigars brand has conquered more than 115 countries. People appreciated, first of all, their mild taste, which makes the smoking process more pleasant and easy.

This Cafe Creme little cigars brand is produced by the well-known Scandinavian Tobacco Group, which enterprises operate in many countries. Leaves are collected on the best tobacco plantations and undergo a ripening process that lasts two years or more. Then, only the best quality leaf is selected from all the raw materials, which is thinly cut and mixed with different varieties of tobacco to produce unique mixtures. Cafe Creme little cigars are created with high-quality equipment, and then the ripening stage begins. Finished products are placed in specially created cedar rooms, where it acquires the very elusive softness of taste, for which it has received recognition from smokers around the world. What flavors does Cafe Creme offer? Our online store is constantly updating the cigar assortment, trying to present its customers the most complete line of Cafe Creme little cigars flavors. You can try products of various strengths. The palette of taste shades is directly related to the brand name – Cafe Creme little cigars. All the shades that are commonly found in confectionery creams, manufacturers introduced into tobacco. We offer Cafe Creme little cigars with rum, vanilla, caramel, coffee, creamy aromas. Such aromatic additives add a touch of tenderness to the tobacco mixture, so the process itself becomes refined, relaxed and perfectly stress-relieving. These unique Cafe Creme little cigars are also enjoyed by women.

Cafe Creme arome. These cigars will appeal to a lover of a variety of smoking. If you are looking for something new and original, then be sure to try these tobacco products. The cigars are made from a mixture of tobacco, the strength is average. They are sure to be appreciated by a beginner, as well as a fan of pleasant smoking. Cigarillos do not tear their throats, they light up easily and delight aftertaste. Arome is a pleasant and strong coffee.