the little cigars
As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the smaller version of this beloved tobacco product –little cigars. While regular cigars have been around for centuries, little cigars have gained popularity in recent years as a more affordable and accessible option for cigar lovers. In this article, I will share my personal experience and knowledge about little cigars, including their history, characteristics, and why they are worth trying.
Little cigars have been around for centuries, dating back to the ancient Mayans and Aztecs who were known to smoke small tobacco rolls. However, it was not until the 19th century that they became popular in the Western world. In the early 1800s, cigars were hand-rolled and usually large in size, making them expensive and exclusive for the upper class. But as time passed, cigar manufacturers started making smaller versions that were more affordable for the masses. These smaller cigars soon became known as “cheroots” or “stogies” and were primarily made from leftover tobacco leaves, making them cheaper than traditional cigars.
Today, little cigars are often referred to as “cigarillos” and come in a variety of sizes and flavors. They are made with a blend of tobacco leaves, just like regular cigars, but are typically shorter and thinner in size. This makes them a convenient option for those who do not have the time to sit and smoke a full-size cigar.
One of the main differences between little cigars and regular cigars is the wrapper. While traditional cigars have a natural tobacco leaf wrapper, little cigars often have a homogenized tobacco leaf wrapper, which is made by blending tobacco scraps with a small amount of natural tobacco. This gives the little cigar a more consistent flavor and makes them easier to mass-produce, resulting in a lower cost for consumers.
Another factor that sets little cigars apart from regular cigars is their filter. Most little cigars have a filter, similar to cigarettes, which can make them milder and smoother in taste. This also makes them a popular choice for new smokers who are not used to the strong taste of regular cigars.
One of the appealing aspects of little cigars is their wide variety of flavors. From traditional tobacco to fruity and sweet flavors, there is something for every palate. Some of the popular flavors include cherry, vanilla, chocolate, and even wine-infused little cigars. However, it is important to note that these flavors are often added through a process called “flavoring,” where other chemicals are used to enhance the aroma and taste. This can be a concern for some people, especially those looking for a more natural tobacco taste. It is always recommended to read the ingredients list before purchasing a flavored little cigar to know exactly what you are smoking.
Little cigars are also known for their affordability. As mentioned earlier, they are often made from leftover tobacco leaves, making them less expensive compared to regular cigars. You can find a pack of little cigars for as low as a few dollars, making them a budget-friendly option for cigar enthusiasts.
Now, you might be wondering if little cigars are any different from cigarettes. The answer is yes, they are. While both little cigars and cigarettes are made from tobacco, they differ in the type of tobacco used, the way they are rolled, and the level of nicotine. Little cigars are made from natural tobacco leaves, just like regular cigars, whereas cigarettes have a blend of tobacco and other additives. The way they are rolled is also different – little cigars are hand-rolled while cigarettes are made by machines. As for the level of nicotine, little cigars have a lower amount compared to cigarettes, making them a less harmful alternative.
Speaking from personal experience, I find little cigars to be a fantastic option for those looking for a quick and satisfying smoke. They are perfect for when you do not have the time to sit and enjoy a full cigar but still want to get the same relaxing sensation. With their variety of flavors and affordability, they can also be a great way to explore and find your preferred flavor profile.
In conclusion, little cigars have come a long way since their inception and have become a popular choice for cigar lovers. With their history, unique characteristics, and affordable prices, they offer a different experience compared to traditional cigars. However, as with any tobacco product, it is important to consume them in moderation and make informed choices. If you haven’t tried a little cigar yet, I highly recommend giving it a try – you might just discover your new favorite smoke.