Filtered Small Cigars

Little Cigars

mini cigars flavored

mini cigars flavored

Little cigars may seem like a small and insignificant type of cigar, but they offer a unique smoking experience that has gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts. As a cigar aficionado myself, I have tried many different types of cigars, and little cigars hold a special place in my heart. In this article, I will share with you my experiences and insights on little cigars, including their history, flavors, and how to properly enjoy them.

First, let’s start with the basics – what exactly are little cigars? They are essentially small cigars, typically shorter and thinner than traditional cigars. They are also machine-made and use a blend of tobacco filler, binder, and wrapper, just like regular cigars. However, they are not to be confused with cigarillos, which are even smaller and use different blends of tobacco.

The history of little cigars can be traced back to Europe in the 19th century. They were initially created as a cheaper alternative to traditional cigars, making them accessible to a wider audience. However, it wasn’t until the late 1960s and early 1970s that they gained popularity in the United States, thanks to brands like Swisher Sweets and Garcia y Vega. Today, little cigars can be found in various sizes, flavors, and styles, satisfying the diverse tastes of cigar smokers.

One of the main things that make little cigars unique is their size. They are perfect for when you don’t have a lot of time to enjoy a full-sized cigar but still want to have a satisfying smoke break. Their compact size also makes them convenient to carry around and can easily fit in your pocket or purse. This makes them a great choice for outdoor activities or social events where you want to have a quick smoke without disrupting the flow of conversation.

Flavor-wise, little cigars offer a wide range of options, from traditional tobacco flavors to more exotic ones like vanilla, cherry, and even chocolate. The flavorful tobacco blends used in little cigars make them an enjoyable smoke for both beginners and seasoned cigar smokers alike. It’s important to note that little cigars should not be compared to traditional cigars in terms of flavor intensity. They are meant to be a milder and more subtle smoke, perfect for those who enjoy a more delicate taste.

Now, let’s talk about how to properly enjoy a little cigar. Like any other cigar, it’s important to first remove the cigar from its packaging and inspect it for any imperfections or damages. Next, you will need to cut the cap, just like you would with a regular cigar. However, with little cigars, you can use a regular cigar cutter or even bite off the end since their size allows for an easy and clean cut.

Once the cigar is properly cut, it’s time to light it up. As with all cigars, it’s recommended to use a butane lighter or matches instead of regular lighter fluid, as it can affect the taste of the cigar. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and gradually rotate it over the flame, allowing it to light evenly. It’s important to avoid inhaling the smoke while lighting the cigar to prevent any unpleasant sensations.

Now that your little cigar is lit, it’s time to savor the flavors. Take your time with each puff, allowing the smoke to swirl in your mouth and appreciate the different notes and undertones. The smaller size of little cigars means your smoking session will be shorter, so you can take advantage of this by focusing on the flavors and enjoying the moment.

One of the common misconceptions about little cigars is that they are not as high-quality as traditional cigars. However, this is not always the case. Many little cigar brands use premium tobacco and maintain the same quality standards as their full-sized counterparts. It’s important to do your research and try different brands to find the ones that suit your taste and preferences.

Like any other smoking product, it’s crucial to smoke little cigars responsibly. This means not smoking them too frequently and taking care of your health. While little cigars may have a milder flavor, they still contain tobacco and can have adverse effects on your health when consumed in excess. As with any tobacco product, it’s also important to be mindful of those around you and respect non-smoking areas.

In conclusion, little cigars may seem like a small and insignificant addition to the cigar world, but they have a lot to offer. Their size, flavors, and convenience make them a great choice for any cigar enthusiast. So if you haven’t tried a little cigar yet, I highly recommend giving it a chance. Who knows, you may just find your new favorite smoke. Happy smoking!