Filtered Small Cigars

Little Cigars

Bentley little cigars – the natural taste of quality tobacco

Bentley little cigars are Nicaraguan cigars. And they are not less popular among smokers than Cuban products or US cigars. The climate of Nicaragua is great for growing elite tobacco varieties that are used to produce unique cigar products. Therefore, it is not surprising that this country has become one of the world leaders in the manufacture of tobacco products. Nicaraguan cigars appeared in the middle of the last century. Immigrants who left Cuba and decided to start a family business in a new place were engaged in their production.

Bentley little cigars are the perfect choice for leisurely, enjoyable smokers. Loose twisted vitols provide optimum traction and even burning. Bentley little aristocratic cigars have a restrained, unobtrusive aroma and individual taste.

The Bentley brand became known after the founding of the legendary automobile brand in 1919. The style, beauty and power of the car was transferred to cigars, which are named after a glorious brand. The brand collection has many additional accessories, including the chic humidor Bentley Humidor. It is made manually of walnut wood with ebony-black finish, equipped with a humidifier and a moisture level meter and costs almost 7 thousand dollars.

Under the Bentley brand, there are produced excellent little cigars Sumatra, they are created by machine-rolling with the natural taste of quality tobacco. Cigarillos are packaged in a metal cigarette case, preserving their properties for a long time.

Many people talk about the simplicity of the Bentley little cigars smoking approach, but for beginners it is sometimes very difficult to deal with such a mini cigar format. Cigarillos are better not to drag out, because it does not deliver much pleasure. They are very easy to smoke on the go, and it does not take much time. Such a simplicity of approach to their use makes a significant contribution to the popularization of cigarillos. Our online store offers a rich assortment of modern, sophisticated mini-cigars, pleasing with their strength, quality and tastes. We offer budget options for everyday enjoyment of tobacco flavors.