Filtered Small Cigars

Little Cigars

The prestigious Cuban Cohiba little cigars

The brand of Cohiba little cigars represents Cuba’s most prestigious and world-renowned long filler cigar: since 1966, Cohiba little cigars have been producing flavors that have inspired millions of fans and enthusiasts around the world. Cohiba little cigars undergo triple fermentation from the finest tobacco raw materials produced in Cuba and are available in a variety of formats. The best known traditional Cohiba cigars are Esplendidos, Robustos and Lanceros. Recently, Siglo VI and Piramides Extra have been added to them. In addition, the Cohiba Maduro 5 series and Cohiba Beque BHK cigars with a very dark and especially long fermented wrapper have appeared.

All Cohiba little cigars are rolled in the El Laguito cigar workshop. Here, in the world’s most famous manufactory, the best Cuban torcedores work to produce the most famous cigars on the planet. The Cohiba manufactory also has the privilege of the first tobacco harvest and selects only the highest quality leaves from the annual tobacco crop, which are then processed to produce Cohiba cigars.

A unique feature of Cohiba is the additional tertiary fermentation. Seco and Ligero tobaccos are aged in cedar barrels for an additional 18 months after harvest. This process, used only in Cohiba, gives premium Habano cigars a unique flavor characterized by a grassy note with a strong roast aroma where vanilla, cocoa and coffee come together to form the unique flavor of a Cohiba cigar.

Legend has it that in 1963, one of Fidel Castro’s bodyguards offered him a cigar, and Castro accepted it from a friend of the torcedor. The cigar apparently impressed Castro so much that he summoned this torcedor, a man named Eduardo Rivera, and hired him as his personal cigar rolling master. When production began at the modern El Laguito factory, the cigars were named Cohiba, a name once given to them by the Taíno Indians. Initially, only a limited range of cigars were produced. The first vitolas of the newly created brand were Laguito No 1 – No 3, Lancero (by the way, this cigar is said to have inspired Fidel Castro in his time), Corona Especiales and the classic thin form Panatela.