Candlelight little cigars have a refined, well-balanced taste and wonderful aroma
Candlelight little cigars are produced by the German company Von Eicken, which has been on the market for over 240 years, and is one of its most famous and best-selling brands. Today the company produces pipe and cigarette tobacco, cigars and Candlelight little cigars. Thanks to a combination of finely selected tobaccos, Candlelight little cigars have a refined, well-balanced taste and wonderful aroma that you can enjoy over a cup of coffee or at the end of the day.
The high-quality branded Gold Candlelight little cigars are machine-made short fillers with an integrated filter. The solidly processed filter cigarillos Candlelight Gold Candlelight little cigars have a light natural wrapper made from Sumatra tobacco. The insert consists of a carefully coordinated mixture of different tobaccos from Java, Brazil, Havana and Domingo. In addition, there is the fine aroma of noble vanilla for a slight taste intensification of the tobacco bouquet. The short Gold filtered Candlelight little cigars offer a sweet and spicy aroma and a full-bodied, soft smoking pleasure. The stand contains 50 individually wrapped Candlelight Gold filtered Candlelight little cigars.
The solidly crafted Candlelight Sumatra Candlelight little cigars have a bright natural wrapper made from Sumatra tobacco. The insert consists of a carefully coordinated mixture of different tobaccos from Brazil, Indonesia, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The medium-long candlelight Sumatra cigarillos offer a delicately spicy aroma and a soft smoking pleasure. The handy soft pack contains 10 Sumatra Candlelight little cigars.
The short Red filter Candlelight little cigars offer a fruity-tart aroma and a full-bodied, soft smoking pleasure. The display contains 50 individually wrapped Candlelight Red Candlelight little cigars.
The high quality Senoritas Sumatra branded Candlelight little cigars are machine-made short fillers. The exquisite Candlelight Senoritas Sumatra cigarillos have a light natural wrapper made from Sumatra tobacco. The insert consists of a carefully coordinated blend of the best tobacco from Domingo, Java, Havana and Brazil.